Book online



To practice with me please book per the schedule below.

For online classes, ensure that you have zoom downloaded on your device and that you have a safe space to practice in. Ideally you would not have eaten within 2 hours of practicing a yoga class. Have some props to hand - blocks (books or tupperware containers), cushions, a firm blanket and a strap (or scarf, belt). Please do join the sessions at least 10 minutes ahead of the start time, to ensure that we can start on time and that you get the most out of it.

Please keep your video on - I cannot guide you if I cannot see you. Please let me know if you have any injuries or medical conditions, or are new to practice (you can email me before class if you prefer a private chat). I will offer options to make the practice accessible to all.



Please note that by participating in these classes you agree that you do so at your own risk and assume all risk of injury.

You agree to release Razia Sultana of any claims or causes of action known or unknown arising out of these sessions.

If you have any medical and/or health conditions you should consult a medical practitioner before participating and you must inform me about them prior to the class.

These online classes are practiced at your own risk.